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Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @2:31 AM

okay i've just read the book 'have a little faith' and it is honestly, quite a thought-provoking book. i originally wanted to proceed on with 'tuesdays with morrie' but i guess it's too many emo books for me to handle in such a short span of time hahah. anyway yes the book was indeed a heartening and stimulating book.

i'm really grateful for the last 5 days of off. feel slightly revitalized although i know i'll never look forward to whatever army event in my life (with the exception of dec 19). have been having quite a feast for my meals in the last couple of days. high tea at equinox was quite awesome. then jap buffet with ho chwin and reminiscing about our secondary school times when we really had nothing much to worry about.

a certain show which i watched 2 days ago reminded me of how much i do miss being part of a team. i miss the routine of walking up the stadium steps. putting on my socks. tying up the laces on my boots. seeing the same old faces laughing and smiling all around me. i miss the team we once were. i miss the people that made the team. and yes i do agree that one shouldn't dwell in the past cos what's more important now is the present. however i can't help but think about the past when life seemed so much happier.

be satisfied
be grateful
for what you have. for the love you receive. and for what God has given you.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 @7:03 AM

'''When we spoke a few weeks ago, i asked you what you thought about your parents. Do you remember?"
Sort of, I say.
"I asked if you felt they were perfect, or if they needed improvement. And do you remember what you said?"
I freeze
"You said the weren't prefect, but. . ."
He nods at me. Go ahead. Speak
But they don't need improvement? I say.
"But they don't need improvement," he says. "This is very insightful. Do you know why?"
No, I say.
"Because it means you are willing to accept people as they are. Nobody is perfect. Not even Mom and Dad. That's okay."

@6:18 AM

i finished 'how starbucks saved my life' a few days ago. quite an inspirational read. i dont know if i would do the same thing if i were in his position. take a risk, take a leap of faith. haha and the book somehow makes me want to work at starbucks. One Grande Upside Down Caramel Macchiato please!!

anyway i'm moving on to 'have a little faith' by mitch albom now..

Sunday, October 4, 2009 @5:17 AM

booked out at around noon yesterday. the typical saturday book out which i'm kind of used to but really dread. met the soccer guys yesterday at the ion. had dinner at asian kitchen. haaha i was quite insistent of having pizza this time, think spizza think modesto's. but good thing we decided to have asian food in the end cos my dad brought back a whole pizza from 6th avenue which i devoured with much delight. it was great meeting up with the soccer guys once again. and yj reminded us how mr low used to say to him how we were the best team he ever assembled on paper. however we would never know what would have happened if we actually gelled.. anyway, the night brought us from lido to ps, to cathay, then to tcc at rendevous and later to rocher tauhuey. sometimes i wish we could just turn back time.

and yet another week beckons.

today met athena, bruno, nicole and jared for lunch at cedele. and then went to watch the hossan leong show in the afternoon. okay i'm feelin lazy to post today hahaha. cos arsenal's on tv and i'm feeling a little distracted i dont know why. sigh


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



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