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Friday, September 25, 2009 @10:03 PM

the last 2 weekends have been really eventful. fairmont last week and F1 Rocks yesterday night. the stay at fairmont really gave me some time to unwind and loosen up. caught the battle of manchester at chijmes. atmosphere was quite awesome. even though i'm not a united fan but i could really sense the intensity especially after bellamy equalised. haah the whole entire stay made me feel very much like a tourist. living the life. i really hope i am able to take leave next year, and then embark on a spontaneous trip to wherever i wanna go.

F1 Rocks yesterday was really amazing. though it was hot, sticky, stuffy etc... the atmosphere was awesome. with everyone chanting after BEP and BEYONCE. awesome stuff really. haaha i wanna visit the race for real next year.

Sunday, September 6, 2009 @5:17 AM

i paid one buck for the bus ride home from church today. while this may seem like an insignificant event, it reminded me of the day john and i took a ttaxi without knowing that we had absolutely nothing in our wallets. flagged from school, after we had collected our sgcs, and directed the uncle to taka where we were supposed to meet kim. stopped the cab at meritus mandarin where we started scrambling through our wallets for some 'hidden' money which we obviously couldnt find. so i ran over to cine and withdrew some cash.haha the cab drivier was so pissy and kept complaining. it's such unplanned and unexpected moments that never fail to leave a smile on my face

Saturday, September 5, 2009 @11:07 PM

i've been kinda lazy to blog these days and this isnt exactly a good thing cos i want to document my life for my future nostalgic indulgence. reading posts from eons ago never fail to make me smile and laugh. what makes it a more interesting read is noticing how much i have changed, how much the people around me have changed, how much the world has changed. and change isnt exactly a bad thing as it keeps life from being static. but sometimes you wish change just doesnt happen. it seemed so long ago that i was busy mugging for the very intimidating A LEVELS. fast forward 10 months, how things have changed. school seems all but a distant memory. life has very much been stagnant for me. it never crossed my mind how i'm supposed to keep in contact with others once we had left rj. school indeed served as a medium for us to connect, a place to meet up over meal during breaks. that brings me to the two words which i have been pondering over quite fervently the last couple of days. drifting apart. inevitable i feel. keepin in touch is pretty much a two way thing. however hard one party tries to keep in contact with the other, if the other doesnt reciprocate, the friendship just wouldnt work out. okay i wish i could have better put it in words but you get what i mean.

but for now. think happy thoughts :)


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



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