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Monday, August 31, 2009 @3:13 AM

just had the most intense week of my stint in armour so far. beginning with bmr last saturday and to make matters worst i was given the cursed job of the ammo ic. so on friday night while everyone was fast asleep, myself and my loyal group of followers made our way to collect ammo.

sleep? what sleep? well that pretty much sums up the last week. section field camp, probably had an average of 2 hours of sleep everyday. that's very much the reason why i'm still here at my computer on this very beautiful monday evening.

went to doc yesterday cos i wasnt feeling too good. a cold made worse together with extreme exahustion. so i was given the day off today. happy of course! :) well the feeling of not being in camp while everyone else is busy struggling through soc certainly tops in all. but it's really short lived happiness.

yesterday was spent with bear john and wenyu. went to watch the proposal. while john and wenyu were totally into the show, bear and i were literally foaming in our seats. at the end of the movie neither of us could make out neither head nor tail of the show. a cool 10 bucks wasted. haah that very much explains how army has treated us. jcc, section field camp, thank you very much.

went over to nice cosy railmall to have lunch at hooked with mr park, engwei, bear and wenyu. definitely feels like the homely place i would visit more often. after that we headed over to udders at lorong kilit (how do you spell it) for some very awesome ice cream. thoroughly enjoyed the story telling session. awesome times which i'l never forget. i surely hope this group of friends never lose contact.

Sunday, August 9, 2009 @7:13 PM

when friendships falter and crumble


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



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