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Sunday, January 27, 2008 @6:25 AM

woahhh it's been a long time since i was here. anw i'm officially 18! woohooo! legally 18.

thanks a lot to those who made my special day a whole lot more special! i know i can't list every single person but you know who you are thank you so much.

thank you very much:

athena and ain for baking those lovely cupcakes! =) you girls must have spent lots of time on them. and athena your cupcakes are beginning to taste better! haha it used to be so sweet last time.

nicole for smashing whip cream on my face!

wei en for being the first to wish me happy birthday and for the pretty candle gift which you decorated yourself. although my name smudged! =) thanks for being such a great and cheerful friend and for 'boosting' my ego with your occasional, 'i feel so tall!'. hahaha

alfred, athena, hongyao, yijing, jared and guonian for the really nice brown shoes! and for being great soccer buddies this whole time.

08SO6D for the oh-so-lovely blueberry cheesecake which andrew picked from sweet secrets. i was in the dark the whole time when you guys, jerome, andrew, sylvester, daniel, went all the way to j8 to get me a cake. and stuart even made me believe you guys went to study. i thought what a mugging lot! and you guys almost got into trouble for going out during lesson time. thanks so much! =)

john cheo for buying me half a banananananananana thanks!

jared for the boyz II men album. i like it!

sheng wei and ho chwin for the delightful coffee flavoured cake and for getting all the canteen aunties and uncles to sing me happy birthday! i really appreciate it!

the random girl in the lift who sang a birthday song for me

08S03C for the espirit shirt! i dont know who exactly bought it but i would like to thank all my friends from that class namely eng wei, sheng wei, wen yu, hong yao, hochwin, jacob, wee hao, zhi wen, nathan, charlene, i hope i didnt miss out anyone! =) you guys really made my stay in rj oh so enjoyable.

carmen who sacrificed her life by finishing all my cupcakes! so i wouldnt die of obesity or something. hahaa

everyone who wished me happy birthday through sms. thank you so much!

and to all the random people in school who wished me happy birthday!

thank you so much everybody! you really made my day!

that's all for now cheers!

Friday, January 4, 2008 @7:18 AM

i've just been pronounced with patellar tendinitis and a sprained ankle.


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



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