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Monday, November 26, 2007 @5:52 AM

this was a pic longan took in the canteen of our favourite chicken rice uncle. or is it the zhe cha uncle? i can't remember. he was sitting there focussing for a while. seems like he has some serious constipation..

well it has been a week of sorts. oh ya we, the soccer team, did cip last saturday! it was like one of the most 'unslack' cip in the world ever! we had to paint some old lady's house in the east. well in the beginning i wasnt actually give a proper job to do, everyone was like armed with brushes and paint while i was left with nothing productive to do. so i grabbed a stick and started mixing the paint. and i couldnt resist the urge to splatter alfred with paint and SWOOSH. CRAP paint was all over the floor and i had to get on my knees to clear it up damn! well i got on to some real work later on painting the window grilles and slapping the toilet with a new coat of paint. anw i got paint all over my body. my foot was just infested with the green paint. it seemed like i had gangrene or something. well anyway it was a job well done and will probably the most meaningful cip i'll do EVER.
wonder what i was doing there. cool huh

i just found this photo! didnt know it existed

oh ya i forgot to mention. we trounced bishan park secondary school 4-0. there was a bright start to the much-anticipated match, with some slick passing on display from our side and little quarter given by bishan park in the tackle. despite having seen plenty of possession, with almost 20 minutes on the clock, we had yet to test the opposition keeper. bishan park attempted to frustrate us by defending deep in the first half and the tactic worked until a goal kick reached me in the middle of the park. holding the ball up well, and avoiding a few crunching challenges at the same time, i waited for the right moment to release the ball to the onrushing kok soon who cut the ball back to nicole lover. kok soon continued his penetrating run into the heart of the defense and was rewarded with a peach of a pass from nicole lover, dissecting the entire defense. a drive across of the face of the goal was followed by a sublime finish by ling.

In the second third, a corner by 166.5 found chia in the penalty box. he swung at it but the shot was blocked by the bishan park defenders who collapsed in a heap. with the initial crack denied, chia drilled the rebound first time. the finish was, unexpectedly, out of the top drawer, a stunning volley which flew into the roof of the net.

two more goals after the break from ling and gayson compounded bishan park's misery.

Sunday, November 18, 2007 @8:32 AM

i just realised how to upload a photo onto this blog so it wouldnt look so dull anymore. well it's a pic we took during training! i came up with the idea. cool huh? everyone was impressed with my work of art.but started fuming when they realised i had mixed up all their clothes. i had to run for my life. anw there were a few other pics but i think they're not appropriate for this pure and innocent blog. it had a little vulgarity of sorts.anyway that's about all for now. thanks for reading =)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 @4:19 AM

hmmm. it's well into the school holidays now. i was just flippin through the sjiupdate glancing through the many pictures. it wasn't too long ago that sji was very much my life. well time flies. i really miss the place. the food. the d. the hall. 433. the people and God know's what else. it's been ages since i've been back and i really hope the 433 peeps are doing great. miss you guys.=)

erm.. i just changed the blogskin! i'm not really good with such stuff though. i dont even understand the html rubbish. but somehow i got a tagboard up. and i;m really new to this. i dont how to put pictures up or even type in some other language like chinese. i was wondering if i should switch to xanga cos it's supposed to be 'cooler'. but i have a feeling that this blog's only san fen zhong re du.

well it's been a great week. weights training as usual on monday. i increased my weights! getting stronger =)

had double training on tuesday. BOY IT WAS TOUGH. did crazily tiring step-ladder stuff in the morning cos it was pouring unfortunately. then proceeded to drills. by afternoon everyone was dead tired but we still had possesion drills. i love possesion drills. oh then after training i went over to dass' house for a good rest before meeting the twins. for some reason, they kept changing the venue. met them at wheelock in the end, where i ordered the ULTIMATE while noelle was busy messing up the muffins and i had to go save her. then chatted for a while. i was pretty exhausted. then at about midnight, noelle started sliding down the channel in between the escalators. she slid down with ease. i tried and got stuck and took maybe ten years to get down. then i looked up, to my horror, the security guard was staring into my very eye and he began walking down. so we took our things and fled for dear life, noelle barefoot. being the nice guy i passed my checkered shoes to her. then went back and spent the night at dass'.

and damn! i sprained my ankle on thur while playing football at the cage. a malicious challenge from my bud hochwin left me grimacing with pain. ah nvm. it'll recover in a week. meanwhile i can enjoy my break from training.

hung out the whole night on sat with the boys. had a good chat.

OH monday was an eventful day. weights training as usual. then at the end of training nicole lover came up with a great idea to end the session. STRONGEST BICEP COMPETITION. and I WON IT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. i was tied with nicole lover all the way to the very end. while the rest all whithered under the intense pressure. so the showdown was between the might nicole lover and pocket hercules myself. both of us managed to do a i rep bicep curl with 35kg. not bad huh? hey it's not the size that matters man. i won myself $2.50. yay i saved on lunch. oh ya i'm determined to get an EVEN hotter bod. watch.

oh ya i'm done watching the first season of lost!! i know i'm slow. haha. omg i absolutely love the show. but why did boone have to die. he's like the most good looking guy on the show. poor fella. anw there's always kate. she's smokin' hot. and i think sawyer's really cool. oh and i went for physics remedial today! hardworking aint i? but spent most of the time talking to weien and nat about lost. couldnt really concentrate. and i drew a portrait of the lecturer. i thought i was really similar but weien nearly vomitted at the sight of her pretty nose. hahah that's a little sacarstic.


Saturday, November 3, 2007 @8:06 AM

training as usual in morning. eagle gave us a stern warning to be punctual for trainings from today onwards. we then proceeded to embark on our warm up run. we ran maybe 30 rounds? and we were totally absorbed into 166.5's conversation topics which ranged from fruits, to sports to God knows what. unfortunately, each conversation topic barely lasted. with some stretching on for a mind-boggling 1/8 of a round. well, warm up run continued for another hour, after which we did drills 1 to 6.

so training ended at around 11.30. OH and i was supposed to pass noelle her i n r cos her printer somehow ran out of ink. however she was nowhere in sight as her lazy bum was still lazing around at home. but since i'm such an understandinig person, i waited patiently, while the rest of the soccer team took off for lunch at j8. to the disbelief of many, noelle actually managed to get to school on time. 11.55 to be precise.

i had pw next which i shall not go into detail cos it would waste precious seconds of my life.

btw MANUre held the mighty GUNNERS at emirates with an injury time goal but skipper william gallas which evened the contest. ARSENAL on top. looking good for the title.

Friday, November 2, 2007 @4:12 AM

well.. this blog wasn't really inspired by anyone in particular and i wouldnt even mind if no one bothers to read it at all. but if anyone actually wants to know more about my fascinating life, here it is. well this is my first attempt at blogging. so guys give me a chance. i hope i dont bore anyone with my highly thrilling life. now where do i begin.....

i got out of bed yesterday not really in the best of moods. my nose was literally running like a tap. i checked my phone and was taken aback by the shocking message that i received. pw meeting was scheduled for 12 noon that day. what a pleasant surprise. but i didnt really feel like meetin again and doing the same stuff twenty times over. who in the world would want to meet EVERY SINGLE DAY just to do such a senseless subject like pw. not me. anyway, since it was already ten pass eleven and it was impossible for me to ever get to the venue on time, thus i made the heroic decision to actually skip the event.

OH and i was supposed to go to church in the afternoon at about one, but i opted to give it a miss too. the state of my nose gave me sufficient reason to do so. it had literally became a waterfall. so i fished out Lost season 1, which nat had lent me, from my bag and began watching the first episode. it was indeed a riveting show. however, much to my dismay, my terrible blocked nose was giving me a marvelous time, thus i chose to take a short nap.

i woke up half an hour later, rejuvenated. but still with a blocked nose. nonetheless i springed out of bed and got changed. up next, a friendly game against NIE PE teachers at NTU. i still hadnt recovered from my cold. but even so, i wouldnt have thought of sitting out the match.

the first eleven- balls, longan, shirley, chia, forkspoon, 166.5, kokchoon, kianpeng, nicole lover, hanchua, ling. knowing my name wasnt in the first eleven, i was devastated. maybe eagle thought i was too lousy. or maybe he thought i had an attitude and wanted to teach me a lesson. nevertheless, the match commenced.

the match was divided into three thirds of thirty minutes. we began poorly as usual. but we soon settled into the game, much quicker than against SA. kianpeng was having the game of his life, holding the ball up well, distributing the ball to teammates in space and constantly biting on the heels of his opponent, hercules. he hardly put a foot wrong the entire third. with our captain psyduck out, chia was doing a great job marshalling the defense, making certain that balls' goal wasn't breached. the highlight of the third was good link up play between chia, 166.5 and kianpeng, splitting the defense with quick one-twos, although kianpeng screwed the eventual shot wide. however we soon conceded a soft goal due to a lapse in concentration of our rightback longan.

jason and i were thrown into the fray in the second third, with me replacing hanchua as a forward and jason replacing sien as rightmid. my job was too pressure the defense into making defensive errors. 166.5 and i seemed to be isolated at times on the left, with the play more focussed on the right wing. ling and i then engaged in some awe-inspiring football, however it lacked the end product.

jason was shortly taken out and i was subsequently shifted to my accustomed position on the right wing. i almost made a mess of a throw in. but to my disbelief, the fullback marking me also missed his clearance. i darted pass him and whipped in a majestic cross (cross number one) which was cleared but a tall defender. the midfield displayed an eye for goal with both nicole lover and kokchoon smacking in long shots which tested the keeper. special mention goes to 166.5 who provided us with glimpses of what he can do with the ball. a surging run from the right, leaving a defender in his wake, culminating with a venomous shot which the goalkeeper just managed to steer wide. lickytongue was in inspired form as he continually thwarted the opponents, especially with a magnificent save from a shot which was destined to reach the back of the net. however try as we might, the elusive goal just wouldnt arrive and thus the match ended 1-0 to the hosts. on a sad note, shirley was hit hard on the ankle and will probably join psyduck on the treatment table for quite a while. we wish him a quick recovery.

eagle said the debrief would be postponed to saturday morning. longan is surely in for a hard time. anw that sums up my first post. peace


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



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