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Wednesday, September 22, 2010 @6:44 AM

i want to be brave enough to say, 'i miss you'.

@5:38 AM

Sunday, December 27, 2009 @7:44 PM

the christmas season has to be one of the most festive and joyous time of the year. compounded by the fact that i recently just commissioned. it really makes this time of my life worth remembering. having been so restricted all year in the confines of an army camp, this sense of freedom is indeed liberating. god i was sensing this minor movement on my right and didnt really think much of it haah but i cat was slowly creeping it's way into my living room. okay that was random and i gotta go get lunch now

Monday, December 14, 2009 @5:07 AM

okay you know what. i feel like creating a new blog cos this blog looks a tad too kiddy haha. but it doesnt really matter does it. anyway it's 5 days before the biggest day of my NS liability or 'career' you may call it. (that in no way means i'm gonna sign on fyi) oh and postings gonna be out tmr at 1pm. hahaha but according to what i can infer from my conversation with zhiwei, i'm most likely to get the agts job. haha sounds great! a little apprehension about the my future job, but oh well i'll think about that later.

on the other hand i have this whole list of things i wanna do/accomplish and i dont know where to begin. in not particular order i would like to
1)get braces
2)apply and study and then take SATS
3)apply and start learning driving
4)start/continue the reading habit
5) okay i cant remember what else there is in the list but there sure is a whole lot more than this!

oh and i'm posting this post online from camp today so that's a first :o

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @2:31 AM

okay i've just read the book 'have a little faith' and it is honestly, quite a thought-provoking book. i originally wanted to proceed on with 'tuesdays with morrie' but i guess it's too many emo books for me to handle in such a short span of time hahah. anyway yes the book was indeed a heartening and stimulating book.

i'm really grateful for the last 5 days of off. feel slightly revitalized although i know i'll never look forward to whatever army event in my life (with the exception of dec 19). have been having quite a feast for my meals in the last couple of days. high tea at equinox was quite awesome. then jap buffet with ho chwin and reminiscing about our secondary school times when we really had nothing much to worry about.

a certain show which i watched 2 days ago reminded me of how much i do miss being part of a team. i miss the routine of walking up the stadium steps. putting on my socks. tying up the laces on my boots. seeing the same old faces laughing and smiling all around me. i miss the team we once were. i miss the people that made the team. and yes i do agree that one shouldn't dwell in the past cos what's more important now is the present. however i can't help but think about the past when life seemed so much happier.

be satisfied
be grateful
for what you have. for the love you receive. and for what God has given you.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 @7:03 AM

'''When we spoke a few weeks ago, i asked you what you thought about your parents. Do you remember?"
Sort of, I say.
"I asked if you felt they were perfect, or if they needed improvement. And do you remember what you said?"
I freeze
"You said the weren't prefect, but. . ."
He nods at me. Go ahead. Speak
But they don't need improvement? I say.
"But they don't need improvement," he says. "This is very insightful. Do you know why?"
No, I say.
"Because it means you are willing to accept people as they are. Nobody is perfect. Not even Mom and Dad. That's okay."

@6:18 AM

i finished 'how starbucks saved my life' a few days ago. quite an inspirational read. i dont know if i would do the same thing if i were in his position. take a risk, take a leap of faith. haha and the book somehow makes me want to work at starbucks. One Grande Upside Down Caramel Macchiato please!!

anyway i'm moving on to 'have a little faith' by mitch albom now..

Sunday, October 4, 2009 @5:17 AM

booked out at around noon yesterday. the typical saturday book out which i'm kind of used to but really dread. met the soccer guys yesterday at the ion. had dinner at asian kitchen. haaha i was quite insistent of having pizza this time, think spizza think modesto's. but good thing we decided to have asian food in the end cos my dad brought back a whole pizza from 6th avenue which i devoured with much delight. it was great meeting up with the soccer guys once again. and yj reminded us how mr low used to say to him how we were the best team he ever assembled on paper. however we would never know what would have happened if we actually gelled.. anyway, the night brought us from lido to ps, to cathay, then to tcc at rendevous and later to rocher tauhuey. sometimes i wish we could just turn back time.

and yet another week beckons.

today met athena, bruno, nicole and jared for lunch at cedele. and then went to watch the hossan leong show in the afternoon. okay i'm feelin lazy to post today hahaha. cos arsenal's on tv and i'm feeling a little distracted i dont know why. sigh

Friday, September 25, 2009 @10:03 PM

the last 2 weekends have been really eventful. fairmont last week and F1 Rocks yesterday night. the stay at fairmont really gave me some time to unwind and loosen up. caught the battle of manchester at chijmes. atmosphere was quite awesome. even though i'm not a united fan but i could really sense the intensity especially after bellamy equalised. haah the whole entire stay made me feel very much like a tourist. living the life. i really hope i am able to take leave next year, and then embark on a spontaneous trip to wherever i wanna go.

F1 Rocks yesterday was really amazing. though it was hot, sticky, stuffy etc... the atmosphere was awesome. with everyone chanting after BEP and BEYONCE. awesome stuff really. haaha i wanna visit the race for real next year.

Sunday, September 6, 2009 @5:17 AM

i paid one buck for the bus ride home from church today. while this may seem like an insignificant event, it reminded me of the day john and i took a ttaxi without knowing that we had absolutely nothing in our wallets. flagged from school, after we had collected our sgcs, and directed the uncle to taka where we were supposed to meet kim. stopped the cab at meritus mandarin where we started scrambling through our wallets for some 'hidden' money which we obviously couldnt find. so i ran over to cine and withdrew some cash.haha the cab drivier was so pissy and kept complaining. it's such unplanned and unexpected moments that never fail to leave a smile on my face

Saturday, September 5, 2009 @11:07 PM

i've been kinda lazy to blog these days and this isnt exactly a good thing cos i want to document my life for my future nostalgic indulgence. reading posts from eons ago never fail to make me smile and laugh. what makes it a more interesting read is noticing how much i have changed, how much the people around me have changed, how much the world has changed. and change isnt exactly a bad thing as it keeps life from being static. but sometimes you wish change just doesnt happen. it seemed so long ago that i was busy mugging for the very intimidating A LEVELS. fast forward 10 months, how things have changed. school seems all but a distant memory. life has very much been stagnant for me. it never crossed my mind how i'm supposed to keep in contact with others once we had left rj. school indeed served as a medium for us to connect, a place to meet up over meal during breaks. that brings me to the two words which i have been pondering over quite fervently the last couple of days. drifting apart. inevitable i feel. keepin in touch is pretty much a two way thing. however hard one party tries to keep in contact with the other, if the other doesnt reciprocate, the friendship just wouldnt work out. okay i wish i could have better put it in words but you get what i mean.

but for now. think happy thoughts :)

Monday, August 31, 2009 @3:13 AM

just had the most intense week of my stint in armour so far. beginning with bmr last saturday and to make matters worst i was given the cursed job of the ammo ic. so on friday night while everyone was fast asleep, myself and my loyal group of followers made our way to collect ammo.

sleep? what sleep? well that pretty much sums up the last week. section field camp, probably had an average of 2 hours of sleep everyday. that's very much the reason why i'm still here at my computer on this very beautiful monday evening.

went to doc yesterday cos i wasnt feeling too good. a cold made worse together with extreme exahustion. so i was given the day off today. happy of course! :) well the feeling of not being in camp while everyone else is busy struggling through soc certainly tops in all. but it's really short lived happiness.

yesterday was spent with bear john and wenyu. went to watch the proposal. while john and wenyu were totally into the show, bear and i were literally foaming in our seats. at the end of the movie neither of us could make out neither head nor tail of the show. a cool 10 bucks wasted. haah that very much explains how army has treated us. jcc, section field camp, thank you very much.

went over to nice cosy railmall to have lunch at hooked with mr park, engwei, bear and wenyu. definitely feels like the homely place i would visit more often. after that we headed over to udders at lorong kilit (how do you spell it) for some very awesome ice cream. thoroughly enjoyed the story telling session. awesome times which i'l never forget. i surely hope this group of friends never lose contact.

Sunday, August 9, 2009 @7:13 PM

when friendships falter and crumble

Saturday, July 25, 2009 @10:40 PM

ever since i was slapped with the reality of national service, it has dawned on me that as much as we may wish it weren’t so, a plain fact of human relationships is that people do come and go. friends whom you used to rely upon can become mere strangers in a matter of months. it's a sad fact but i guess that's life.

casual meet ups in the canteen are no longer, a chance meeting in the library are past. and so it takes a greater degree of effort to keep in touch with the people you feel are the most important to you.

on a happier note, managed to book out on a friday night this week which was quite awesome. but then didnt really plan anything for lunch the next day. lunch with hochwin didnt materialise in the end. so i saw our very good friend wenyu online and asked him out for lunch. apparently he had been on att c the last couple of days. that bitch. anyway met for lunch and walked around the ion for a while where we bumped into so many people. felt much like a tourist in the new and sparkling surroundings. met daryl eng, mr combat e, by chance and sat day for a short chat. then later on flew down to iluma, another new shopping mall, to meet siyi to catch harry potter. show wasnt that great i thought. conversation was centered mainly on her impending prelims. it was only a year ago i was in her shoes and studying so furiously for my exams. and at that point of time i had so much wanted to enter the army instead. how time has altered our perception of things

was supposed to meet sheng in the evening, however he had some important things to attend to so i decided to get home. it was such a coincidence that mr siddiq poh happened to be on a bus and saw me and decided to alight. and so we went to heeren for a light dinner. i do treasure such chance meetings. i do like this bunch of ppl, the soccer juniors, benji, siddiq. do hope they do decently well for their A's.

well i guess that's all for now

Friday, July 24, 2009 @6:35 PM


i need a holiday now..

Sunday, July 19, 2009 @5:39 AM


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @9:42 AM

well my block leave has officially ended. :(

and really i dont know what i'm feeling now. quite sian about the fact that i have to book in tmr at 8. and really there's no word adequate enough to portray that feeling. and i dont want to go to bed cos i know the moment i wake up i'll be getting ready to leave for camp. okay i cant complain enough so i shall stop here.

on another note, noelle left for australia today. happy for her that she's going overseas to study which is what she always wanted. beginning a new chapter in her life. but sad at the same time cos there'll be one less person for me to talk to. yeah and i guess there are questions that i wanted to ask but never did and things i wanted to say but never had the guts to. though we might have drifted quite a bit since i went into the army, i still do fondly remember the times we spent together, in school studying, playing tennis doing a whole lot of random stuff, the nice lunch and dinner dates, the occasional poker nights where we would help each other make decisions. i think it was after ct2 in j2 that we got closer. and of course i did pretty badly as usual. and then we became sort of study buddies haha. text-ing each other to update about our progress and being each other's alarm clocks. haha all which made studying a whole lot more bearable. yeah i just wanna say thanks for entering my life :). hahaha this sounds so solemn. i guess we can still keep in touch through email and skype (after i figure out how to use it)
have fun down under!

Sunday, July 12, 2009 @11:40 PM

i never really thought much about a blog till now and i think it does serve as a medium for me to recollect what happened in the past. maybe when i'm thirty, flirty and thriving (haha got this from the movie 13 going on 30) i'll happen to come across this humble blog and what wonderful memories it may bring back. and i'm quite happy about the fact that i think no one actually bothers to visit my blog except for one, athena. (and i know athena you'll probably be reading this haha) i may change the url after all to keep it entirely private. but too lazy to think of one now so probably next time!

anyway i got up really reluctantly on saturday morning and made my way to church to teach these kids some math. my first student was this pri 3 indian boy and my second student, a sec 5 girl who's taking her o levels this year. i shan't elaborate too much but i really hope they put in more effort into their work and do well for the exams..

later on in the afternoon, took a bus over to orchard where i was supposed to meet shun yee for coffee. but she cancelled on me cos she wasnt feeling too well. get well soon! bumped into jake and one of his many 'church friends' at ben sherman hahah. yes he indeed has many 'church friends' met ho chwin at about 6 then we took bus 14 to sheng's place. hahaha thank god i dropped sheng wei a text before i took the bus. this was how the sms-es went...

me-- is there any other bus we can take besides 16, it's super crowded.
sheng-- it's bus 14 not 16.

so we got there pretty early. cat and weehao were there already. played a little wii then went down to the bbq pit! OCTs took over the setting up the fire while the pes Cs (hongyao in particular) did what they do all the time, nothing. took quite a while to start the fire. then it started pouring! i was the cook for the night haha. first time i actually did some bbq-ing. i used to be the guy who waits for someone else to do the cooking.. the food was quite good actually, besides the 'bullet-proof' beef

wenyu, zhun wen and kristle left at about 10. wenyu, to zouk to meet up with some rj peeps at some philbert-organized party. was supposed to go down too, but was too lazy to get out of sheng's house. so bear, jacob and i stayed over in the end. i totally died on sheng's bed and before i knew it, it was morning already. washed up and flagged a cab which brought us to bear's house in bukit timah. subsequently, went over to st ignatius church for mass. my very first visit to that church.

hopped onto another cab which brought me to the Prata house in thomson. was second to arrive. not bad by my standards haha. zhen and jon arrived slightly later, bruno, athena and jared couldnt come for various reasons. had quite an enjoyable outing, talking about people hahah. left the place at about 3.30pm and took my third cab of the day. rushed down to lido for the 3.30pm transformers show. as you can see, i was late. transformers was quite the action-packed show. oh ya forgot to mention who i watched it with. john and wenyu ( who booked out for the first time in a long time) met ho chwin afterwards for dinner. and bought ice cream from this cute girl at the taka food fare haha.

was waken abruptly this morning by a call from rachel. it was ten already! and i was supposed to meet her for breakfast at ten. told her that i was on the way already but she found out i was lying oops haha. bought her breakfast to make up for my 'punctuality'. spent 2 hours before she left for town to get her laptop case. she'll be flying off to the uk in september to study math and science at warwick.

wow this is really quite a long post. shall end here though. another day of freedom before hell begins once again. that is when my life begins to suck

Friday, July 10, 2009 @8:54 AM

i miss school

@8:12 AM

i'm losing my memory. i cant remember things that i used to be able to remember. i cant remember events that just happened a while ago. i think my brain is slowly wasting away. no this can't possibly happen.

on another note, today marks the end of the third day of my block leave :( let me recall what happened little by little. oh ya, got back to singapore on wednesday morning! okay wait i'm stuck now i cant remember what i did on wednesday and this is not a joke or something, i honestly cant remember ugh..

on thursday, met shanan for lunch at adam's road. queued up for the renowned adam road nasi lemak. the fragrant rice and succulent meat made the meal a mouthwatering delight. went over to island creamery after that where i a scoop of horlick's ice cream! it was gooood haha. before getting home, i stopped by the dvd shop. rented 'taken' cos i heard it was a rather good show. watched the show later on in the afternoon together with myy mum and dad. it was indeed quite good!.didnt regret spending 5 bucks to rent the dvd. but honestly i think rentals should be cheaper shouldn't it?

at about 8, i took the long journey to the east. paya lebar to be exact. took over an hour to get to my home for the night, parkview parade, kai sheng's apartment. played poker the entire night, or should i say morning, till 7am. won a total of 63 bucks. then took a cab ride over to carls'junior at east coast where we had our breakfast. following that we took the most expensive cab ride know to mankind home. the total cab fare amounted to a cool $40.55. wow. anyway i paid for most of it since i won quite a bit of money.

slept a totla of 6 hours from 9am to 3pm and skipped lunch at the same time. woke up and rushed over to braddell (is that how you spell it?) to visit our dear bruno who's on mc cos of a concussion. great to see him alive and kicking. athena, jared and ain left for various places after that while nicole and i joined bruno and his parents for dinner. made our way to serangoon gardens' sushi tei where we had a scrumptious dinner courtesy of bruno's dad, leong sim. the plan was to go to aston's in the beginning, but after realising it was situated in this hawker centre with no aircon, we decided that the ambience was not up to our stringent standards. had rocher tau hui for dessert after which burno's dad gave me a lift all the way home. yupp that very much sums up the last 2 days. haha hopefully this blog will help me to recall stuff in the future. thank you very much.

gotta teach small kids math in church tmr. honestly i really dont feel like going cos 1) i'm plain lazy and i want to sleep more. 2) i think i can't remember any math anymore and i really am too lazy to go study

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @7:09 PM

at exactly 7.19am this morning, SQ 8991 touched-down and the singapore changi airport. so what significance does this have? well it marks the beginning of hte well anticipated BLOCK LEAVE! :D feels great to be back. i'm free as a bird, for a week at least..

brunei wasnt as bad as i thought. most of the first day was spent travelling to our accomodation in brunei. a 2 hour flight, followed by a 3 hour boat ride, then finally a 20 min bus ride, we were transported right to the very doorsteps of Resort Lakiun, our home for the next 10 days.

had our guided navigation exercise nomad on day 2 which was pretty slack cos the instructor thought we were good enough after 2 check points so we ended up being the very first group to get back to bunk, while the rest had to conmplete all 6 check points. day three marked the beginnining of platoon training. platoon battle course to be exact. we were thought how to go about doing ridgeline fighting as well as trench clearing. the terrain was indeed an obstacle. steep slippery slopes and torny plants provided us with the additional natural enemy to overcome. had 2 or 3 runs in total.

the navigation exercise began full flow on the fourth day. it was a 2 day 1 night mission where we had to locate 2 checkpoints, a passage point and finally an end point. being part of the second wave, my detail, tango 19, consisting of nicholas, zixuan, jiawei augie, melvin, chunyang, billy lang, staff tanu, benedict, colin and some other annoying guy, left 2hours later then the rest. we found our first 2 checkpoints rather quickly before it started raining. we were moving ahead of time. by the end of the first day, we were in between cp2 and pp1. an encouraging achievement as most groups only manage to get to the second checkpoint at the end of the first day. built a decent shelter for myself and chunyang , which kept us dry and warm for the night.at first light, we set off for the remaining 2 check points. to the disbelief of many, at 7.30am, we arrived at our end point, setting a new unofficial armour record for being the earliest team to arrive. we got back to camp at about 9.30am and were rewarded with a 2 hour canteen break.

had another 2 battle courses the next 2 days which i wouldnt like to elaborate any further

Saturday, June 27, 2009 @11:06 PM

i guess it's about time i revived this lifeless blog. after spending almost half a year in the confines of various army camps, i have come to realize that life has been inching pass little by little without me taking the slightest notice of it.

well i'm right in the mid of serving my NS and i must say it hasnt been much of the enriching experience people always talk about. at exactly 11 hours from now i'll be off on an airplane to the jungles of our beloved neighbours. brunei beckons :(

booked out from my new home in sungei gedong on friday evening. and i must say that was really a moment i had been waiting for the whole week. the living conditions at ATI arent exactly the best, especially if you compare them to the chalet we call SAFTI. no computers, no 2 men bunks. hello 40 year old ATI. :/

friday evening was spent with my family. we had a nice little italian dinner at Galbiati Gourmet deli, a decent place at rail mall.
had lunch with christine on saturday. went to tanglin mall for a change. the place was really teeming with expats and their little kids. it almost felt like we were transported to another country. (i've never wanted to leave singapore that much till now) had lunch at oomphatico's! it had such an european feeling about it, especially with the vibrant colours and cool white funitures. lunch was rather enjoyable. spent most of the time complaining to christine about my sad sad army life haha. yes i really hate it. following lunch i got to sit in christine's new volkswagon golf for the very first time! she recently passed her driving test so there was some sort of tension in me when i first stepped into the front seat. hahah no offence christine! she drove us over the dempsey's ben and jerry's where we had some ice cream. nice chillout place this dempsey area. will need a car though..

drove me over to suntec after that and i made my way to plaza singapura to meet wei en for a short while. beatrix was there as well and wanted to get her ear pierced so followed her over to far east. it felt a little weird hanging out with them especially since i havent met them for such a long while and we largely live in 2 different worlds.

later on in the evening, met the twins together with celeste and harresh at coffee bean at the forum. hahaha was quite fun having a conversation with them. visited the chocolate research facility at wheelock. cool new chocolate shop. havent tried the chocolate from there though. spent most of the other time just chatting and walking around, looking at this interesting heath ledger illustrated book etc..

left for shanan's place at abot ten. was supposed to go to the old brown shoe for some drinks initially. but then ended up at his house where they were haveing this huge birthday celebration for his uncle and there were a total of 4 birthday cakes! stuffed myself the ice cream and cheese cake. stayed over at his house for the night.

the final hours of my civilian life

Saturday, May 31, 2008 @2:09 AM

Out of the gloom
A voice said unto me.
"Smile and be happy,
Things could be worse."

So i smiled and was happy.
And behold, things did get worse

Friday, May 2, 2008 @7:29 PM

dance night was really really good! except for one thing. my eye was swollen beyond belief. and had a little difficulty breathing. i totally slept the whole first half of the show. :(

stranded at home today cos of some allergic reaction to my eye, all thanks to the 'iodomethacin' medication that the sports doc gave me for my thigh. i never knew i had an allergy of any kind. my life always seem to surprise me. i think it's karma. haha. totally spoilt my whole day yesterday. anws it has been a long time since i've had a saturday morning at home. it does feel weird. haha. i shall go complete some stuff which i have been putting aside for the longest time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008 @8:13 AM

if you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do things you've never done

Saturday, March 29, 2008 @5:35 AM


















Friday, March 14, 2008 @10:26 PM

the light at the end of the tunnel

let's do it

Monday, February 4, 2008 @4:54 AM

i can't believe i was such a complete fool yesterday! i'm not gonna elaborate cos it's really soooo plain stupid. carmen and weien will know what i'm talking about.=)

omg i cant believe i was actually so fearful.
i cant believe that i did all those stupid stuff.
i cant believe i couldnt see through it
i cant believe i wasted 3 hours trying to figure it out. =)

hahaha thinking about it now, i cant believe i was that dumb.

Sunday, February 3, 2008 @6:43 AM

"I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go,
things go wrong so that you
appreciate them when they're right,
your believe lies so you eventually
learn to trust no one but yourself,
and sometimes good things fall
apart so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, January 27, 2008 @6:25 AM

woahhh it's been a long time since i was here. anw i'm officially 18! woohooo! legally 18.

thanks a lot to those who made my special day a whole lot more special! i know i can't list every single person but you know who you are thank you so much.

thank you very much:

athena and ain for baking those lovely cupcakes! =) you girls must have spent lots of time on them. and athena your cupcakes are beginning to taste better! haha it used to be so sweet last time.

nicole for smashing whip cream on my face!

wei en for being the first to wish me happy birthday and for the pretty candle gift which you decorated yourself. although my name smudged! =) thanks for being such a great and cheerful friend and for 'boosting' my ego with your occasional, 'i feel so tall!'. hahaha

alfred, athena, hongyao, yijing, jared and guonian for the really nice brown shoes! and for being great soccer buddies this whole time.

08SO6D for the oh-so-lovely blueberry cheesecake which andrew picked from sweet secrets. i was in the dark the whole time when you guys, jerome, andrew, sylvester, daniel, went all the way to j8 to get me a cake. and stuart even made me believe you guys went to study. i thought what a mugging lot! and you guys almost got into trouble for going out during lesson time. thanks so much! =)

john cheo for buying me half a banananananananana thanks!

jared for the boyz II men album. i like it!

sheng wei and ho chwin for the delightful coffee flavoured cake and for getting all the canteen aunties and uncles to sing me happy birthday! i really appreciate it!

the random girl in the lift who sang a birthday song for me

08S03C for the espirit shirt! i dont know who exactly bought it but i would like to thank all my friends from that class namely eng wei, sheng wei, wen yu, hong yao, hochwin, jacob, wee hao, zhi wen, nathan, charlene, i hope i didnt miss out anyone! =) you guys really made my stay in rj oh so enjoyable.

carmen who sacrificed her life by finishing all my cupcakes! so i wouldnt die of obesity or something. hahaa

everyone who wished me happy birthday through sms. thank you so much!

and to all the random people in school who wished me happy birthday!

thank you so much everybody! you really made my day!

that's all for now cheers!

Friday, January 4, 2008 @7:18 AM

i've just been pronounced with patellar tendinitis and a sprained ankle.

Sunday, December 30, 2007 @6:43 AM

i just drank almost half a bottle of milk before realising that it was way past its 'use by' date. and just a moment ago i gobbled down fried rice which tasted a little funny and my mum said it had gone bad. oh no i really hope i don't end up spending tomorrow having fun in the washroom. haha

oh there's training tomorrow, at 1 pm. yes training on the last day of the year. i'm not sure if we'll have training on new year's day itself. but it looks likely. we havent been performing convincingly in the last few games.

went for my cousin's housewarming party today. was really tired though. probably because of the game and the draining 'cip' i went for yesterday. had to carry bulky newspapers and an exceedingly heavy television set which were meant to be sold to get some cash for some organisation i think.

hmm it's almost the end of the year and i'm having mixed emotions about it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @6:18 AM

merry christmas everyone!! hmm it's boxing day today, as well as my parent's wedding anniversary. happy anniversary mum and dad! may each year bring you closer to each other! hahaha.

anyway, it's been quite an eventful week. catching up with old friends and all. class gathering last friday was a blast. was great seeing everyone again. although not everyone turned up, it was still a substantial crowd, about 20 of us i guess. thanks mike for having us at your place. really enjoyed the time there. hopefully we continue having gatherings like that in the future.

well christmas is over i guess. gone in a flash. i'm not really ready for the new year. but we'll see..

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 @5:44 AM

yeah i'm back from the m'sia soccer trip. it was indeed some real good fun. oh i'm just a little too lazy to update so i'll let the photos speak for themselves. =)

longan my personal assistant

who's that hot girl behind?

at last i'm taller than my seat!


marky sleeps when there's no sign of chocolate

the long road up north

what we do on our long bus trips

seems like the manicure went well

ramly burger dudes

catching up on childhood

slam america?

food for the hungry

at Joy Training Centre


our nice comfy home for 4 days

from left: hongyao, me, jared, alfred

camwhoring on the trip to gopeng


loading up. always beaming for the cam fred

the rain wont dampen our camwhoring spirits

check out the cool dude in the middle

Home Sweet Home

that sure looks fun!





there's no turning back



showering in the wild


from left: crack, horse, zuoms


Where have all the food gone?!

from left: marcus, si en

what a spread


kampong friends

breakfast at tiffany's

dolphins clouds

the memorable truck rides

damn i like my hair

from left: zuo ming, alfred, si en, me, edric


St Joseph’s Institution
Raffles Junior College
Arsenal Football Club
John 3:16

ain. athena. buddha. carmen. deyong. wayne.



November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
September 2010